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Client Work

A part co-design project working with people with experience of low income during Covid and  researchers at York University, to design and create short animated films, explain the research methodologies of the Covid Realities Project. 

Working with drawings and collages created by the Covid Realities participant group.

Creative Director: Alys Scott-Hawkins

Animation: Arcus Studios

Creative Producer Ellie Land​


A collaboration with researchers at Northumbria University with co-design elements incorporated with communities in Guatemala, facilitated by ODHAG.

Principle researcher Dr Nicki O’ Brien

Animation by Lotte Kingslake

Co-researcher Ellie Land


A film for teenagers about the risks associated with drinking alcohol whilst pregnant

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This film is born out of the frustration of witnessing the rhetoric that has demonised those that are poor in the UK. The Dole Animators are a group of out of work claimants, who wanted to speak up and tell us all what it is really like to live in Poverty in the UK. A collaboration with the Dole Animators, Dr Ruth Patrick and Leeds University.


War Child UK

Ellie was lucky enough to travel to Uganda to make this short film. Working with a group of young people in the region of Karamoja, talented puppet maker Jez Hunt and 2D cut out animator Daniella Orsini the team together made this impactful film that talks about the problem of gender based violence.

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